Programs must describe how they comport with the 10 Key Components of Treatment Courts.
Grant Awards will be based on demonstrated need for the funding, how recently Friends of the Court had previously awarded a grant, and how many grants are ultimately going to a specific Treatment Court
Along with the application, please have the appropriate administrative authority submit a signed acknowledgment approving the submission.
3821 S. Hawthorn Dr. Chandler, AZ 8524851-3693us
Key Component #1: Treatment courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with justice system case processing.
Key Component #2: Using a non-adversarial approach, prosecution and defense counsel promote public safety while protecting participants’ due process rights.
Key Component #3: Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed in the treatment court program.
Key Component #4: Treatment courts provide access to a continuum of alcohol and other drug and related treatment and rehabilitation services.
Key Component #5: Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and other drug testing (where appropriate).
Key Component #6: A coordinated strategy governs treatment court responses to participants’ compliance.
Key Component #7: Ongoing judicial interaction with each treatment court participant is essential.
Key Component #8: Monitoring and evaluation measure the achievement of program goals and gauge effectiveness.
Key Component #9: Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective treatment court planning, implementation, and operations.
Key Component #10: Forging partnerships among treatment courts, public agencies, and community-based organizations generates local support and enhances drug court effectiveness.